Tag Archives: job interview

My answers to the Unicru assessment test answers.

These are my answers for the Unicru assessment test answers. I cut and pasted them and took two days to fill them out using my judgment, opinions and stories from my life. You don’t have to read all 166 answers to the questions. This will give you an in-depth view of my personality, attitudes, thoughts and opinions. I think of it as a pre-job interview.

  1. You don’t believe a lot of what people say.

A. Disagree. I put a lot of trust and faith into people.

  1. At times, something goes wrong and you feel fed-up with everything.

A. Disagree. When things go wrong, I do my best and work my hardest to keep my head above water.

  1. You’ve done your share of troublemaking.

A. Disagree. I’ve always obeyed the rules and kept my nose clean.

  1. You avoid arguments as much as possible.

A. Agree. I hate confrontations and believe there is always a way to compromise.

  1. You have a positive outlook about everything.

A. Absolutely. I believe if you put out positive vibes to the universe, eventually you’ll get something amazing back. Cause and effect.

  1. Slow-moving people make you impatient.

A. Not at all. Everyone moves at their own pace. Some people have different methods of organizing and sorting out what they’re doing, there’s no reason to get mad at them for being slower than you.

  1. You are more relaxed than strict about finishing things on time.

A. I would disagree. I work at a fast pace and I can organize and plan things out quickly in my head if I have a lot of things to do in a short amount of time. I know how to prioritize.

  1. You swear when you argue.

A. Never. I don’t even swear in normal conversation.

  1. When your friends need help, they call you first.

A. Not all of them, but a good amount of them do when they need relationship advice, a family member or pet dies, or a family member is going crazy. I even helped my friend bury his pet cat when I was in the middle of fighting a crippling stomach flu.

  1. You have no big worries.

A. No, I take every day as it comes. You only have 24 hours at a time to do things. That’s more than enough time to figure life out.

  1. You have never taken unfair advantage of someone.

A. Very true, I believe in karma. It just seems barbaric and uncivilized to take advantage of somebody. Nothing gives you the right to betray someone who trusts you.

  1. It is usually your own fault when something goes wrong.

A. True, I’m in control of the decisions I make or have made that have led me to where I am.

  1. You look back and feel bad about things you’ve done.

A. Not at all. I’m proud of all the work I have done at work and school. I’m happy and grateful for all the people I’ve met and helped and made friends or business connections with in my life.

  1. You know when someone is in a bad mood, even if they don’t show it.

A. Most of the time, and if someone is in a bad mood and I can help them out I feel good.

  1. You always try not to hurt people’s feelings.

A. Definitely agree. Everybody is different. Everybody looks different, has different opinions, hobbies, beliefs, abilities. I feel sorry for people who make fun of people in an attempt to feel better about themselves.

  1. You are always cheerful.

A. Yes I am, being pessimistic is like wearing an anchor.

  1. You quickly forget it when you have done poorly at something.

A. Strongly agree. If I do something poorly, I learn from it, I analyze what I did wrong and how to improve at it.

  1. It matters a lot what other people think of you.

A. I would agree and disagree. Obviously I want to make a good first impression when meeting people. I want people to respect and have good thoughts about me. But I would also disagree, because some people just don’t like other people and will focus on a tiny little flaw and focus only on that. People who despise you because you do a better job than them, or because of a rumor they heard about you shouldn’t bother you at all.

  1. You chat with people you don’t know.

A. All the time. I’m always joking with and getting to know strangers at social gatherings, on the bus, when I play Bingo with my mom. “People-watching” is one of my favorite hobbies, studying and learning about human behavior and how people interact has always fascinated me.

  1. You have always been well-behaved.

A. Yes, I’ve never had a need to rabble rouse and stir up trouble for personal gain or out of boredom.

  1. You are not afraid to tell someone off.

A. Disagree, I believe that no matter the disagreement or argument, a compromise can always be met if people are willing to talk it out, listen and be civilized. Arguments are just a waste of energy.

  1. You don’t care what people think of you.

A. If someone doesn’t like me and doesn’t want to get to know me, that is their loss.

  1. You like to be in the middle of a big crowd.

A. Yes, I love interacting with and meeting new people, I am a very social person.

  1. People can tell when you are happy or sad.

A. Yes, but when I’m sad I never let it interfere with my work or attitude. I prefer to be happy.

  1. When you’re upset, it’s hard to get much done.

A. False, it gives me fuel and motivation to get work done so I can go home feeling that even though something is upsetting me I at least accomplished something.

  1. At times, you feel cut off from any friends.

A. Never. I always have an open communication line with my friends and I never feel alone.

  1. You had nearly perfect attendance in your past jobs.

A. Very true, I would only call out if I was truly sick. And I always show up at least 15 minutes before my shift starts ready for the day.

  1. Unfortunately, many companies treat their employees badly.

A. Disagree. If employees feel that they are being treated badly, that’s their fault. Like the movie Horrible Bosses says, “People who hate their jobs have only themselves to blame.”

  1. At the end of a hard day, you prefer to be alone.

A. No. I don’t mind being alone if it helps me clear my head. However being with people at the end of a hard day is always fun and comforting.

  1. When someone bothers you, you tell them off.

A. Never. I hate yelling and I’m a bit of a pacifist.

  1. You like to take risks.

A. No, the rules are put into practice for a reason.

  1. At times, it is hard to keep your mind on what you are doing.

A. Disagree, I am very good at staying focused, even if there are five or ten people howling in my ears I keep on task.

  1. When working on something difficult, you take frequent breaks.

A. Disagree, just get it done.

  1. Your stuff is often kind of messy.

A. I can’t stand things being unorganized. The tidier the better, why make finding something harder than it has to be. Plus it’d be embarrassing if someone was looking for a report you left on your desk and you told them, “It’s by either the blue stack, the red stack or underneath all the manila envelopes… I’m not sure which one.”

  1. You usually put others’ needs first, before you worry about yourself.

A. I would agree. I care about people a lot and I don’t really have a lot to worry about. If I can ever help people out, I delight in the opportunity.

  1. You do not like small talk.

A. False! I love small talk. It bothers me when you have your groceries rung up and the cashier practically ignores your existence.

  1. You are careful about everything you do.

A. Very true. I know that in any business every action that you do affects other people in the office. Part of teamwork (even interdepartmental) is doing things correctly so that you don’t slow yourself or other people down.

  1. You would rather not get involved in other people’s problems.

A. If people don’t want to be bothered, I can completely understand that. In my experience when I’ve gotten involved in other people’s problems, they have instantly trusted and confided in me and I’ve been able to give them advice.

  1. It’s fun to go out to events with big crowds.

A. Yes it is. I love sharing memories and good times with family and friends, and making new friends along the way.

  1. You finish everything you start.

A. Definitely, otherwise, why did you start it? Leaving unfinished work for other people do complete is disrespectful and rude.

  1. It bothers you a long time when someone is unfair to you.

A. Disagree. It’s easy to brush off my shoulders and ignore people. One person’s version of ‘unfair’ can differ completely from another person’s.

  1. People do a lot of annoying things.

A. People do a lot of things. If you find people to be extremely annoying, you need to take some deep breaths, walk out of the room, or just ignore it.

  1. You ignore people you don’t like.

A. Disagree. People are people who all deserve respect. If you don’t like someone, scowling and giving them the stink eye doesn’t help the situation. I give them a courteous nod of acknowledgement and go somewhere else.

  1. You don’t act polite when you don’t want to.
  1. Disagree. I’m always polite, even in the face of the most irate, screaming, fuming customers. You have to let people vent in order to help them. Also, some people are just rude, you can’t fix that.
  1. Any trouble you have is your own fault.

A. Agree. If you’re looking for trouble, then trouble will find you.

  1. You think a lot about the worries and stresses you have.

A. Incorrect. Any stresses and worries I have are easily manageable.

  1. You have had good bosses in your jobs.

A. Definitely. I’m good at following rules, showing that I’m competent in my job and showing respect. You only have a bad boss if you’re a bad employee. Attitude reflects leadership.

  1. You are not interested in your friends’ problems.

A. False. I love my friends like I love my family. People can count on my to lend an attentive ear in their time of need.

  1. You don’t care if people like what you do.

A. True. I know that saying I don’t care sounds bad, but I take pride in the music, television, hobbies and interests that I invest my time in. If I was always cautious of what other people thought about my decisions I wouldn’t enjoy life as much as I do now.

  1. When you need to, you take it easy at work.

A. Never. There is always work to be done. If there are no calls coming in, no people to serve food to, nothing left to clean, nothing to copy or fax, there is always something to do. You’re paid to work.

  1. It bothers you when you have to obey a lot of rules.

A. Disagree. Rules are there for a reason. They are what keep people safe, orderly and productive.

  1. You keep calm when under stress.

A.  Strongly agree, you give me a huge stack of papers, a thousand phone calls, and an electrical fire to put out, and I shine.

  1. You always feel hopeful about your future.

A. Agree. You never know what will happen in the future, why would you want to imagine it only holds doom and disaster?

  1. You wonder if your hard work will ever pay off.

A. Incorrect! Every tiny little thing you do adds up to something bigger.

  1. When people make mistakes, you correct them.

A. If the mistakes will muddle up, disrupt or clutter productivity, or a purchase order, then yes, it is important to fix people’s mistakes.

  1. You don’t care if you offend people.

A. Disagree. I’d never do anything to offend someone. Every person of every walk of life deserves your respect, even when they aren’t giving you theirs.

  1. You do some risky things to impress your friends.

A. Disagree. There’s just no need for that.

  1. You have never gotten in trouble at work or in school.

A. Agree. I’ve never been disciplined or written up at work before.

  1. You’ve been the victim of some bad situations.

A. Not at all. Sure, bad things have happened, but I’m not spiteful or looking for revenge. I’ve been laid off from two jobs unexpectedly due to circumstances that were out of my control, but I’ve lived and prospered through it.

  1. You do things carefully so you don’t make mistakes.

A. Agree. Making mistakes only slows down progress.

  1. You like to stir up excitement when you are bored.

A. Disagree. Only boring people get bored. If I do get bored I usually find something safe to keep my entertained.

  1. You do not fake being polite.

A. True, I am genuinely mild mannered and polite.

  1. You do not like to meet new people.

A.  Disagree. I love meeting new people, people give me energy.

  1. You do what you want, no matter what others think.

A. Agree. But, only if I have calculated the risks and consequences. I’ve never done anything that would tarnish my reputation or destroy somebody’s property.

  1. There are some people you really can’t stand.

A. I can tolerate anybody.

  1. You work best at a slow but steady speed.

A. I can work at a slow and steady speed, if the safety procedures and policies call for it. I can also work in a fast-paced environment exceptionally well.

  1. You are proud of the work you do at school or on a job.

A. Agree. I wouldn’t bother applying for a job, and wasting an interviewer’s time if I wasn’t serious about doing the best job possible for that company.

  1. You don’t work too hard because it doesn’t pay off anyway.

A. False. You never know what your hard work could do or what kind of doors it could open up. Every monument that’s ever been built, every freeway that’s ever been dug up, flattened, paved and built that’s connected people, and every finger painting that’s made a parent happy was not a waste of effort.

  1. You get enough credit for what you do.

A. Disagree. We get the same amount of credit for the amount of work that we do. Do an amazing and accurate job, you’re going to be praised. And if you aren’t praised for your hard work, don’t take it personally.

  1. Even when you feel down, you work hard at your job or schoolwork.

A, Agree. I don’t let my personal problems affect my work performance and customer service.

  1. You have confidence in yourself.

A. Yes Yes Yes!! I’ve climbed literal and metaphorical mountains and felt phenomenal when I reached the top.

  1. You deserve to have things easier than they have been.

A. Disagree. My life is pretty good. Any great things that have happened to me are from my hard work and optimistic attitude. Any bad things that have happened were my own doing.

  1. You show it when you are in a bad mood.

A. Disagree, I keep any negative feelings to myself and don’t let it affect productivity or morale.

  1. You criticize people when they deserve it.

A. Disagree. You try to empower them and motivate them rather than criticize them. If someone is messing up at work you can’t make them feel bad, you’re a co-worker and a confidant, someone to look to for support, not for an attack.

  1. You like to take frequent breaks when working on something difficult.

A. Disagree. Just get your work done.

  1. You give direct criticism when you need to.

A. Disagree. I support people, I don’t attack people.

  1. You get a lot of work done in a short time.

A. Yes, I am organized and diligent. It is very easily to quickly and effectively multitask.

  1. When you are annoyed with something, you say so.

A. NO, if someone annoys me I try to see the good in them and can usually tolerate it. It’s easier to be nice to people.

  1. You are careful not to offend people.

A. Agree. I’m always nice and always think before I speak.

  1. You deserve to be better off than you are.

A. I am where I am due to the decisions that I have made. I’m pretty content with my life right now.

  1. You are good at understanding how people feel.

A. Yes, I can usually read people like a book. And I’m usually able to talk people through problems. And if they’re in a positive mood, that’s pretty great, positive energy motivates me.

  1. You ignore people’s small mistakes.

A. I don’t criticize people for their small mistakes, but I will correct them if something is not done properly.

  1. You do not like to take orders.

A. Disagree. I’m comfortable being a subordinate. BECAUSE!! I don’t look at it like being a lower class inferior employee, I look at it as being an employee who is part of a team, just one tiny gear of the engine that keeps the whole car operating.

  1. You’ve had good reason to feel fed-up with some job you’ve had.

A. Not at all. Anyone who hates their jobs can voluntary leave. I’ve always been grateful for any employment I’ve had, I look at them as learning experiences.

  1. There’s no use having close friends; they always let you down.

A. Disagree. If you choose your friends poorly, then you’re going to have friends who will let you down.

  1. People do a lot of things that make you angry.

A. Strongly disagree. I don’t have a short fuse or an ill temper.

  1. It is maddening when the court lets guilty criminals go free.

A. If a criminal is truly guilty then they’ll be incarcerated. Courts don’t let guilty criminals go free. They let innocent people go free. I trust that the jury, lawyers and judge all do their jobs effectively and correctly to determine a plaintiff’s fate.

  1. There were a lot of things in your past jobs you did not like.

A. False, I love every job I’ve ever had.

  1. You like to plan things before you start to do them.

A. True, I like to know what’s ahead of me and the best way to effectively tackle it.

  1. You seldom notice people’s moods or feelings.

A. Disagree, I am good at reading people.

  1. Someone else usually causes your problems.

A. I really don’t get into trouble, but if I ever am, I take full responsibility.

  1. You love to be with people.

A. Absolutely. Holidays, parties, random unexpected visits, any social event I love talking to and making memories with people.

  1. You say whatever is on your mind.

A. Not all the time. I know when to bite my tongue and what the appropriate time and place are to say what I’m thinking.

  1. You are unsure of yourself with new people.

A. Not at all, I’m great at small talk with any random person that comes my way.

  1. You have to give up on some things that you start.

A. Not at all. I can accomplish anything put in front of me.

  1. You hate to give up if you can’t solve a hard problem.

A. Absolutely, No matter how hard the problem I know I can conquer it.

  1. You have no big regrets about your past.

A. Agree. I’ve made a few bad or poor decisions and I’ve learned from the consequences. Sometimes the bad things we do help us become better people.

  1. You keep your feelings to yourself.

A. Agree, if it’s the right time and place I’ll say what I’m feeling. But if a customer is irate and screaming at me I won’t throw course language and personal insults right back at them.

  1. You finish your work no matter what.

A. Strongly agree. I don’t go home until all my daily tasks are completed.

100.You are too busy to always follow all the rules.

A. False. Obeying all the rules, policies and regulations makes work a million times easier.

101.People who talk all the time are annoying.

A. Disagree, people who talk a lot have a lot to say, who are we to tell them their thoughts and opinions are annoying?

102.You sometimes pretend to be sick to get out of doing something.

A. Never, I like to participate in anything I can. Whether doing yard work, helping a friend move out/in, attending a birthday party, I’m always happy to get out and be with people, or getting my hands dirty.

103. You stay home from work or school when you feel a little sick.

A. Disagree. I’ve never faked being sick and have only called in sick when I was genuinely out of commission.

104. It sometimes seems like everyone is against you.

A. Disagree. People almost always like me, I’m very friendly and outgoing and I don’t think people are plotting my downfall.

105. You make sure that you get all that you deserve.

A. I’m really not selfish and greedy. I feel like I have everything I need, and I’ve worked very hard for it. Sure, I can be competitive, but I’m not a bloodthirsty animal.

106. You’ve had more than your share of bad luck.

A. Disagree. Luck is a state of mind. Unfortunate, or less than favorable things have happened in my life, but I’m not unlucky or cursed.

107. You make more sensible choices than careless ones.

A.  Very true. It is important

108. You think a lot about things that could go wrong.

A. Disagree. I do take them into consideration, but my glass is always half full.

109. You pay close attention to people’s feelings.

A. Yes. When you can tell someone’s bothered, concerned or anxious it can affect their work performance if they allow it to. I like to talk to people and help them out of bad or sad situations.

110. You have always had good behavior in school or work.

A. Very true, I follow the rules and act appropriately in all situations.

111. When someone hurts you, you think of ways to get even.

A. Not at all. Revenge is for the weak because of how easy it is. It’s a lot easier and rewarding to just forgive somebody for their wrongful actions.

112. People know they can believe what you say.

A. Strongly agree. I really have no need to lie or fill people with false hope. I can’t stand when people sugarcoat things; it makes people feel like you don’t respect them.

113. You are always on time for work or school.

A. Strongly agree. I’m at least 15 minutes early to appointments, interviews, classes and work.

114. It is important for you to have the respect of your friends.

A. Strongly agree! My friends are like an extension of my family. If you give people respect you’re going to get it back and it makes the relationship much more rewarding then bickering and backstabbing.

115. When someone treats you badly, you ignore it.

A. Yes, I definitely ignore it. If you let people who treat you badly really bother you, you’re going to have a thousand bees buzzing in your head. It would be nice if you could talk it out, but never let someone get to you.

116. Other people’s feelings are their own business.

A. Generally yes, but if something is obviously weighing on their shoulders and prohibiting them from living a normal and healthy life, or it affects them from doing anything at all you should step in and ask them if there’s anything you can do to help, you definitely should.

117. You do some things that upset people.

A. Disagree. I’m a pretty well behaved, pretty normal guy.

118. No one thinks that you are unfriendly or cold with people.

A. Agree. I’m never unfriendly or cold to anybody; it’s just inhuman to me to act that way.

119. You don’t worry about making a good impression.

A. False. That whole thing about good first impressions is true. A good first impression can affect your entire future; it’d be nice to know that people see me as a clean, professional, competent adult.

120. Sometimes you purposely forget to do what you’d promised.

A. Disagree, I do the best I can do fulfill a promise I make. People know that they can count on my word.

121. You can usually tell when something bad is about to happen.

A. I am aware of my surroundings and if I see that something bad is about to happen I try to take action to prevent it.

122. It is easy for you to feel what others are feeling.

A. Empathy and sympathy are amazing emotions. It’s a connection with somebody else’s soul, and to let someone know that you’ve been in their shoes (whether they’re ecstatically happy or having the worst week ever) is a beautiful thing.

123. You help people a lot.

A. I do the best I can. In 2006 when I worked for Holiday Inn I was walking to work at 5:00a.m. and I helped a complete stranger load up his moving truck with two couches and a washer/dryer. He thanked me and I went on my way.

124. You can wait patiently for a long time.

A. Definitely true. I am extremely patient. I realize that some people take longer to do certain tasks, just be patient.

125. You’d rather not compete very much.

A. False. Without competition nobody would be successful. At Universal Studios when I worked with three other cashiers at one food stand, I’d encourage my friends/coworkers to beat my daily or hourly sale numbers in friendly and fun ways.

126. You got mostly good grades in high school.

A. Agree, I love learning and proving that I’m capable of retaining and using my knowledge.

127. You like to be alone.

A. False, I don’t mind being by myself, but I definitely enjoy and cherish time with friends and family.

128. Right now, you care more about having fun than being serious at school or work.

A. Disagree, I can have fun outside of work during my time off. When I’m at work I focus only on work.

129. You think of yourself as being very sensible.

A. Strongly agree. I am very rational and well lucid in my everyday decisions and actions.

130. You sometimes thought seriously about quitting high school.

A. Not at all. I loved high school and never once thought that I couldn’t graduate.

131. You prefer to do things fast so they get done, rather than be careful and slow.

A. If I can effectively work quickly I will. However, if a job requires being slow and careful I can do it effectively.

132. You look back and feel good about things you’ve done.

A. Strongly agree. I have a really good and happy life right now. I’ve learned a lot in my years and feel accomplished.

133. When you go someplace, you are never late.

A. Very true. I think I’ve been late to work twice in my life, and that’s brilliant considering I’ve had about 8 years of work under my belt.

134. You love to listen to people talk about themselves.

A. Agree, people like to talk about themselves, and I love to learn about people. It’s a win-win.

135. People’s feelings are sometimes hurt by what you say.

A. Strongly agree. I’m careful with people’s feelings.

136. It is hard to really care about work when the job is boring.

A. If the job is boring, don’t go to it. It’s easy to care about work when it keeps a company running and a roof over your head.

137. It is hard to feel optimistic all of the time.

A. Disagree. Sure, stress can weigh you down, but it’s better to climb to the top mast of a sinking ship and shoot off the flare gun than to sit and wait Neptune to claim your soul.

138. You don’t complain when you have to obey a lot of rules.

A. Not at all. Rules are there for a reason, and anyone who doesn’t want to follow them can go home.

139. You get angry more often than nervous.

A. I’m seriously one of the mellowest people you’ll ever meet. It’s almost impossible for me to get angry, frustrated and tongue biting maybe, but never angry.

140. Your friends and family approve of the things you do.

A. Agree. I don’t do anything to disgust, disrepute or discourage my family’s reputation or their opinions of me.

141. You made few or no friends in your jobs.

A. Disagree. Making friends is a breeze to me. I still talk to many people from previous jobs and from high school.

142. You could describe yourself as ‘tidy’.

A. Yes. I like to know where things are so I can get them quickly.

143. You get mad at yourself when you make mistakes.

A. Disagree. I take a deep breath, collect my thoughts quickly, and learn from them so I don’t repeat them.

144. You’ve had feelings of bitterness about some job you’ve had.

A. Not at all. I love and have learned and grown from every experience I’ve been granted.

145. You are unsure of what to say when you meet someone.

  1. Not at all.

New person: “Hi.”

Me: “Hello, new person. How about that recent political event? Crazy huh?

New person: “I don’t really follow the news.”

Me: “Well, how about fold music? Do you like Sarah Harmer?”

New person: “Sorry, I don’t like folk music.”

Me: “No worries. What do you like?”

On and on and on until we have a real conversation.

146. You’d rather be cautious than risky.

A. Disagree. I’d rather play it safe and know I’m following procedure correctly than try something new and botch a potential sale or new client.

147. You would rather work on a team than by yourself.

A. I’m really fine working on a team or by myself. Being alone I can think and do everything assigned to me effectively and wonderfully. And on a team I can cooperate, keep people motivated and do my job duties effectively and wonderfully.

148. Many people cannot be trusted.

A. Some people cannot be trusted, the ones who you know for a fact that you cannot trust. It’s not fair to generalize that people you’ve never met cannot be trusted. We may as well give up as a species with that mentality.

149. You could not deal with difficult people all day.

A. False, I love a challenge, and difficult people have their own problems that are bothering them or maybe their idea of the company’s products and services differ from what is really available and it makes them frustrated. Difficult people are easy to handle and help.

150. You agree with people more than you argue.

A. True, I’m a pacifist and I hate confrontation. Most of the time I can talk things out with people.

151. You’ve never been in serious trouble.

A. Honestly, I have never been in serious trouble.

152. You have friends, but don’t like them to be too close.

A. Disagree, I love my friends, they’re like free therapists who I pay with companionship.

153. You are somewhat of a thrill-seeker.

A. Yes-HOWEVER!!! I don’t go looking to cause trouble in my neighborhood, or in public or at work. I like roller coasters, and as a kid used to jump off my roof and onto my trampoline with my friends, but I know when to cool it and act like a professional, civilized, law abiding adult.

154. Your behavior gets out of control at times.

A. Never, I’m pretty mild-mannered.

155. You are a fairly private person.

A. False. I love being outside with other people. Being introverted bores me.

156. It seems like when one thing goes wrong, other things do, too.

A. Murphy’s Law: anything that can go wrong will. I don’t believe in that, it’s a pessimistic mindset.

157. You do not do anything reckless.

A. True, I’m very careful with the things that I do, with other people’s property that they trust me with, and spontaneous decisions that I make.

158. You are almost always in good spirits.

A. Strongly agree. I am always optimistic and trying to keep people happy and joyous.

159. When you are done with your work, you look for more to do.

A. Agree, there is always something at work that needs to be done.

160. You rarely act without thinking.

A. False, I can be impulsive sometimes, but I’m weighing the consequences of my actions in my head before jumping into my next adventure.

161. You try to sense what others are thinking and feeling.

A. Agree, it’s easier to work with and talk to someone when you know what mood they are in.

162. You are a friendly person.

A. Yes, I start conversations with strangers, new people and I joke around a lot to keep the atmosphere fun and encouraging.

163. People are often mean to you.

A. Strongly disagree; If you give the universe positive, helpful, friendly vibes, you’re going to get them in return.

164. You get started on your work right away when you arrive.

A. Agree, I don’t see a point in relaxing and shooting the breeze when you start your shift. You don’t get paid to take a break as soon as you clock in.

165. You were treated fairly in your past jobs.

A. Definitely, I harbor no resentment or hate towards any past companies, co-workers or superiors.

166. You like to talk a lot.

A. Yes I do, but I know when to shut up, and I’m just as good a listener as I am a talker.

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